Hello Friends, today we will continue with the last post "Folder Which We Can't Create-I". In the last post we are trying to create folder with specific word but we are unable to create that.In this post we will explore the following questions:-
- Why we can't create them
- How to create folder of that name
- How we are able to create them
- How we can delete them
So lets begin with the today's topic and try to find out the answer of above question.
Reason Why we can't create them
The reason behind that con, lpt1.......lpt9, prn, clock$, com1 etc. are the reserve words used by DOS. These words have different definition for different devices.some of them are given below:-
con console keyboard and display devices
prn system list device for parallel port devices
aux for auxiliary Devices
nul for emplty or bit bucket device
com1 first serial communicator port
com2 second serial communicator port
lpt1 first parallel printer port
lpt2 Second parallel printer port and so on.......
so if u r allowed to create such folders, there will be an ambiguity in where to write data when the data is supposed to go to the specified devices. In other words, if i want to print something, internally what windows does is — it will write the data to the folder prn (virtually u can call it a folder, i mean prn, con, etc are virtual folders in device level). So if we are able to create con folder, windows will get confused where to write the data, to virtual con folder or real one.
How can create folder of that name
After reading the above content now you would understand why folder of those name not created.But as we listen Nothing is Impossible so we can also create folder with all those name with some trick and also see how we are able to create folder with those name.
Lets begin and see how can we create folder with name con. we are going to do this using command prompt.
Steps to create folder with name con
1. Click start button and type cmd or command prompt.
2. After opening command prompt type following command
md \\.\C:\CON
3. Now open my computer and browse the path where you created folder.
To delete it write following command in command prompt C:>rd\\.\c:\con
Some shortcut method to create con folder
Press ALT+9999
Press ALT+255
Press ALT+0160
So friends this is all about con folder. I hope you'll understand this topic. If have any queries and suggestion regarding this you can comment.I'll eagerly waiting for your comment. we will meet with new interesting topic next time.
Good Bye and Have a Nice Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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