Saturday, 29 April 2017

Master And Transaction file and more


  • Files are a kind of container that is  used for storing the Data of the users for a Long time Period.
  • Files can contain any type of information means they can Store the text, any Images or Pictures or any data in any Format.
In this post we are going to discuss following topic:-
  1. Transaction File
  2. Master File
  3. Relationship between Master and Transaction file
  4. Difference between Master and Transaction file
  5. Reference file
  6. Backup file
  7. Report file
  8. Sort file
  9. Archive file

1. Transaction file

  • The data stored in these files are temporary by nature, the data in transaction files is used to update the master files.
  • This file contains data, only for period of time and after that send to the master file and it is like a journal used in Account Management System.
  • Any modification in data is done in transaction file and Transaction files are only used in 
    Batch Processing Systems
  • Once updating has been carried out, the transaction file may be kept in order to permit subsequent 
    recovery of the master file or for auditing purposes but is otherwise redundant

     Example: price of the products, customers order for the products, inserting new data to the database etc.

2. Master file

  • The data stored in these files are permanent by nature. It is just like a Ledger used in Account Management.
  • The master file contains all the data of the database (account number, address, bank balance, overdraft limit...).
  •  It is updated only through recent transactions using Batch Processing System and Master file stores large amount of data.

Example: customer ledgers, student database, employee data of a company.

3. Relationship Between Master and Transaction File

In the above figure, we can see when old master file is merged with recent transaction file and process the both file using batch processing method than new updated master file is generated which contains up- to- date information.

Master file is updated periodically with latest Transaction file.

4. Difference between Master and Transaction file

image loading

5. Reference file

  • A reference file is mainly used for reference or look-up purposes. Look-up information is that information that is stored in a separate file but is required during processing.
  •  For example, in a point of sale terminal, the item code entered either manually or using a barcode reader looks up the item description and price from a reference file stored on a storage device.

6. Backup file

  • A backup files is used to hold copies (backups) of data or information from the computers fixed storage (hard disk).
  • Since a file held on the hard disk may be corrupted, lost or changed accidentally, it is necessary to keep copies of the recently updated files. In case of the hard disk failure, a backup file can be used to reconstruct the original file.

7. Report file

  • Used to store relatively permanent records extracted from the master file or generated after processing.
  •  For example you may obtain a stock levels report generated from an inventory system while a copy of the report will be stored in the report file.

8. Sort file

  • It stores data which is arranged in a particular order.
  • Used mainly where data is to be processed sequentially. In sequential processing, data or records are first sorted and held on a magnetic tape before updating the master file.

 9. Archive file

  • Archive files are used to collect multiple data files together into a single file for easier portability and storage, or simply to compress files to use less storage space.
To read various file organisation technique Click Here


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